Publication: Chapter “Besonderheiten im Wirtschaftsstrafrecht” in Böttger (Peculiarities in Commercial Criminal Law)

Chapter 18, entitled “Besonderheiten im Wirtschaftsstrafrecht” (Peculiarities in Commercial Criminal Law), written by Rechtsanwalt Prof. Dr. Rübenstahl together with Rechtsanwalt Prof. Dr. Tsambiakis and Rechtsanwalt Dr. Gierok, was recently published in the 3rd edition of Böttger’s handbook “Wirschaftsstrafrecht” (Commercial Criminal Law).

The chapter deals with the large number of factual situations in commercial criminal law as well as the overarching special features of a substantive and procedural nature that are found in the many commercial criminal proceedings and differ from “general criminal cases”.

The handbook is published by Nomos Verlag.

Wirtschaftsstrafrecht | Nomos Verlag

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