06 Jan Publication: Commentary on §§ 46, 46a, 46b of the German Criminal Code (StGB) in “Steuerstrafrecht” by Flore/Tsambikakis (3rd edition)
Posted at 14:13h
in Allgemein
Hot off the press… is the publication of Rechtsanwalt Prof. Rübenstahl’s updated comments on §§ 46 (Grundsätze der Strafzumessung, principles of sentencing), 46a (Täter-Opfer-Ausgleich, Schadenswiedergutmachung; victim-offender-mediation, compensation for damages caused) and 46b StGB (Hilfe zur Aufklärung oder Verhinderung von schweren Straftaten; assistance in the investigation or prevention of serious crimes) in the 3rd edition of the commentary “Steuerstrafrecht” by Flore/Tsambikakis.
The commentary is described as “Direct access to criminal tax law. Comprehensible, clear, detailed, up-to-date. Always in the cutting edge of case law.”