Organized White Collar Crime | 28th Feb 18

On February 28th, 2018, a presentation and discussion on the subject “Organized White Collar Crime” has taken place at the Goethe-University in Frankfurt am Main. The event was followed by a get-together which was organized by WisteV (White Collar Crime Law Association) with Dr. Rübenstahl as a Board Member and Scientific Coordinator. The invitation was mainly addressed to Attorneys at Law, employees who work in the fields Law & Compliance, Consultants specialized on Fraud/ Forensic Services, Scientists and colleagues from justice and Administration in order to offer an information and networking platform.

The “control” of organized white collar crime is becoming more and more important for the prosecution authorities and the legislator.  But what is organized white collar crime exactly? How does it appear? What methods or instruments are effective for control? Does the category organized white collar crime make any sense or is it just en vogue? The Frankfurt public prosecutor’s office took a stand. In 2017, the office established a special unit which exclusively concentrates on organized white collar crime. The senior public prosecutor Noah Krueger presented that special unit and explained the work and instuments of the public prosecutor’s office to control white collar crime. Afterwards, Dr. Charlotte Schmitt-Leonardy stated her opinion on the term “Organized White Collar Crime” and the control strategy from a criminological and penological perspective. The event ended with a panel discussion of the speekers.


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