Release: Zum Referentenentwurf eines Gesetzes zur Bekämpfung der Unternehmenskriminalität – Punitives und „abspracheförderndes“ Verbandssanktionenrecht (Part 4)

The fourth and final part of the four-part article written by Rechtsanwalt Dr. Rübenstahl entitled “Zum Referentenentwurf eines Gesetzes zur Bekämpfung der Unternehmenskriminalität – Punitives und „abspracheförderndes“ Verbandssanktionenrecht (Part 4)” was published in the summer issue of the monthly legal review ZWH (07+08/2020, Otto Schmidt Verlag). This part discusses, among other things, the proposed statutory provisions regarding specific ways of resolving proceedings against corporate entities consensually – comparable to non-prosecution or deferred prosecution agreements in the anglo-saxon world (“Absehen von der Verfolgung des Verbandes“, §§ 35 ff VerSanG-E), and the “Sanktionsbescheidverfahren”, a written and secret proceeding, typically based on the results of an internal investigation with a 50% “discount” on corporate sanctions, as proposed by the VerSanG-E (§ 50 VerSanG-E). Finally, Dr. Rübenstahl summarizes and analyses important changes of the last draft law (of June 2020) to the original draft version (of August 2019).

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