The 4th edition of the Heintschel-Heinegg commentary on the German Criminal Code, which was (co-)authored by Rechtsanwalt Prof. Dr. Markus Rübenstahl, has recently been published. The comments on §§ 265c "Sports betting fraud" and 265d "Manipulation of professional sports competitions", written by Rechtsanwalt Prof. Dr. Markus...

As in previous years, as Board Member and Member of the Committee at WisteV Rechtsanwalt Prof. Dr. Markus Rübenstahl co-organizes the „WisteV-New Year’s Conference 2022“, which is entitled „Wirtschaftsstrafrecht und Wirtschaftsstrafverfahren im Informationszeitalter“ (White-collar crime and criminal proceedings in the Information age). In addition, Prof. Dr....

Rechtsanwalt Prof. Dr. Rübenstahl and Mr. Weissbeck wrote together the article entitled " Verfassungsrechtliche Grenzen rückwirkender Gesetze und die nachträgliche Verlängerung der Verjährung“, published in ZWH (issue 10.2021). The article is also a discussion of BVerfG, decision of 10.02.2021 - 2 BvL 8/19 (compatibility of Sec....

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