Release: Zur Einziehung in den Cum/Ex-Fällen – zugleich Anmerkung zu LG Bonn, Urt. v. 18.03.2020 – 62 KLs – 213 Js 41/19 – 1/199

Rechtsanwalt Dr. Markus Rübenstahl wrote together with Mr. Simon M. Weißbeck for the “Journal der Wirtschaftsstrafrechtlichen Vereinigung (WiJ)” the article “Zur Einziehung in den Cum/Ex-Fällen – zugleich Anmerkung zu LG Bonn, Urt. v. 18.03.2020 – 62 KLs – 213 Js 41/19 – 1/199”, which was published in the current issue. After a short introduction, the article primarily deals with the complexity of multiple-person relationships under tax law (§§ 73, 73b StGB) – both detached from, and in relation to the specific case at the Bonn District Court mentioned at the beginning.

The current issue with the article is available free of charge as a pdf file under the following link:

Zur Einziehung in den Cum/Ex-Fällen – zugleich Anmerkung zu LG Bonn, Urt. v. 18.03.2020 – 62 KLs – 213 Js 41/19 – 1/199_Rübenstahl_Weißbeck

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